Medical Questions » Vaccinations, Adult Questions » Question No. 1000
Question:Should an adult man have a mumps vaccine if he has never had the disease?
Answer:Yes. Children should have a mumps vaccine at one and five years of age, so it is now an uncommon condition, but if an adult catches the disease, it is usually more severe than in a child. If an adult (man or woman) has not had mumps, a vaccine that has minimal side effects is available to give life-long protection. Most general practitioners would carry a supply of this vaccine, and so it is a very simple matter to obtain protection. Mumps seems to have the unfortunate ability to strike just before your annual holidays or at some other vital time, so for this reason alone it is worthwhile being protected. In addition, the testes of men and ovaries of women may be affected by a severe case of mumps. This complication is not common, but may lead to sterility in both men and women.
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