Medical Questions » Viruses Questions » Question No. 1030
Question:My daughter' s best friend has Ross River fever. I am worried that she could catch it too. What is this fever, and how do you catch it?
Answer:Ross River fever is caused by a virus-like germ that attacks the connective tissue of the body. It is transmitted from one person to the next by mosquitoes. "When the mosquito bites an infected person, the germ enters the mosquito with the blood, and is injected back into the next person the mosquito bites, infecting them also. The patient suffers from fevers, muscle aches, arthritis and headaches, and is very tired. It may last for a couple of weeks or a couple of months. There is no cure available. The only form of prevention is the liberal use of insect repellents, screening houses and long sleeves. The disease is more common in north Queensland and the Northern Territory, but may occut anywhere in Australia that mosquitoes occur.
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