Medical Questions » AIDS Questions » Question No. 1047
Question:I am a healthy man leading a happy married life. Do I need to take a HIV test?
Answer:Taking a HIV test is always considered scary among people. It' s a good step to take HIV test showing your health concerns. Even if you test negative for it, you will be able to get moral support and plan your future in a better way.

If you don' t have unprotected sex, you do not share needles or other equipments of person HIV infected, and never have been exposed to HIV in any way, then you are less prone to this infection and may not take HIV test.

But if there are chances of you to have been exposed to HIV, it' s always batter to take the HIV test without a second thought. If you are afraid of social stigma attached to it, you need to come out of this. You might test negative and then can lead stress free life instead of worrying for years without any cause.

If you are diagnosed HIV positive, then you can go for proper medical treatment and counseling before your situation worsens. You can also take preventive measures to protect your spouse and kid from getting infected.

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