Medical Questions » AIDS Questions » Question No. 1048
Question:Are women more vulnerable to get HIV infections than men? Is progression of HIV infection different in women and men?
Answer:Yes, a woman is at higher risk to get HIV infection than a man if they have unprotected intercourse with HIV infected partner. The cause is the physical difference between man and woman. Biologically, women are more susceptible to HIV infection than men. One of the reasons is that Women have greater exposed area than men through which infection may occur. So HIV is transmitted more easily from men to women than from women to men during intercourse.

There is no evidence of difference in progression of HIV infection between women and men. HIV infection is more or less similar in women and men. HIV infected person appears healthy for years till their immune system is weak to a significant level. But HIV positive women get more problems and side effects than man for sure. As their immune system is very weak, they face more serious infections like infection to their internal reproductive system and it becomes tougher to treat them.

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