Medical Questions » Alcohol Questions » Question No. 1054
Question:Is taking alcohol good for heart?
Answer:It' s a very debatable issue. However, Studies reveals that light to moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of heart diseases (especially coronary heart diseases). A moderate amount of alcohol increases the certain type of cholesterol level (HDL cholesterol, considered good cholesterol) that helps in reducing the occurrence of heart attack. One of the causes of coronary heart disease is that blood vessels supplying the heart muscles get narrowed due to the accumulation of cholesterol and fatty substances. The HDL helps in protecting the arterial system in different ways like removes the cholesterol from arterial wall and sends it back to liver. Consumption of one or two drinks per day is considered good for protecting a person from heart attack and cardiovascular diseases.

But, if you drink alcohol heavily, it may increase the risk of heart diseases like heart failure, stroke or high blood pressure.

If you want to take alcohol for the benefit of your heart, try to keep the amount less and don' t become accustomed to it. Pregnant ladies should totally avoid it.

However, there are other better options available to keep your heart healthy rather than taking alcohol. You can take healthy diet and do enough exercises to keep your heart healthy.

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