Medical Questions » Alcohol Questions » Question No. 1061
Question:What is alcohol poisoning? What are the symptoms and how dangerous it is? What should be done at that time?
Answer:The term Alcohol poisoning is used for when a person drinks such a large quantity of alcohol that raises the blood level of ethanol to an extent that it creates risk for persons' health and life. Alcohol poisoning is very dangerous and may cause life threatening problems to the drinker. Alcohol poisoning cause respiratory depressions, might results in stopping the breathing and ultimately death of the person.

The symptoms of Alcohol poisoning are: Vomiting Sleepy or in nausea Mental problems Slow and Interrupted breathing Hypothermia

One drink takes almost 60 minutes to get absorbed and metabolized by the body. So, drinking large quantity in a short period can easily cause alcohol poisoning.

Alcohol poisoning generally occurs to youngsters who consume alcohol without knowing their limits or to chronic alcoholic.

If a person is sleepy after heavy drinking, don' t let the person to do so. Because sleeping is very dangerous if the person has alcohol overdose and it can lead to death of the person. If the person is not responding, call the ambulance as soon as possible.

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