Medical Questions » Arms Questions » Question No. 1080
Question:I am young software professional and I frequently smoke to distress my problems. Recently I got to know that smoking can affect ones hands also (Buerger' s disease of arms). Before that, I used to think that smoking affects heart and lungs only causing various diseases. Since I need to type continuously at the keyboard, I wonder what happens if smoking affects my hands. Is it just a myth or is there any iota of truth? Please explain.
Answer:Buerger' s disease (thromboangiitis obliterans) is a rare disease of the blood vessels of the arms and legs. In this disease (considering arms only), the blood vessels swell and the flow of blood may be obstructed with blood clots (thrombi). The symptoms of this disease first appear in the hand and then they may spread to other areas of your arm. This disease is rare in the United States. Its occurrence is mostly reported in the Middle East and Far East.

Buerger' s disease generally occurs in male smokers of age 20 to 40. But nowadays the number of women affected with this disease is also increasing (as no. of tobacco addicted women is increasing).

The person suffering with Buerger' s disease (in arms) experiences pain and weakness in the hands and arms. The other symptoms are swelling in the hand and sores on the fingers. Sometimes, fingers become pale when they are exposed to cold. Low blood flow to your hands and fingers make them vulnerable to infections. Even sense of feeling is also reduced with this disease (unable to feel a cut in the finger).

Though it is not established that what triggers Buerger' s disease, eventually people diagnosed with this disease have been reported either cigarettes smokers or used other form of tobacco. So, abandoning any form of tobacco is the best way to stop this disease.

There is no cure for this disease. Treatments are available to lessen the symptoms of the disease. Surgery is also performed to control the pain. Sometimes amputation is also required for the affected fingers (Gangrene condition, when tissues of fingers started die).

Above description should be quiet enough to make you understand the truth. So, it' s better to quit smoking for a better life. Be it your hands or heart or lungs, ultimately you will be the sufferer. Quit smoking.

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