Medical Questions » Anal Problems Questions » Question No. 1092
Question:I am 60 year old female suffering from intense rectal pain (Levator Syndrome). I am unable to sit because of constant pain. Please provide some help.
Answer:The levator syndrome is an aching rectal, which is related to spasm of the muscles of the pelvic floor. It is more commonly seen in women. The pain and discomfort in the region of rectum aggravates by sitting. Tenderness and muscle spasm affecting the levator ani muscles are major symptoms of this condition and the tenderness is mostly localized to the left side.

People suffering with levator syndrome complain continuous ache in the rectum. The pain is worse during bowel movement when the stool (is being expelled) puts pressure against the levator ani (muscle).

The pain can be relieved by the periodic massage of muscles, warm baths, and muscle relaxant medications. Walking or some specific exercise may help in lessening your pain. Electric stimulation can be applied if massage is not helpful.

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