Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1093
Question:I have heard a lot about alternative medicine. What is it and how is it different from conventional medicine?
Answer:Alternative medicine is basically based on the beliefs of ancient healing tradition, culture or other things rather than scientifically proven things as in conventional medicine. It is effective for certain health problems but not always all health problems. Alternative medicine includes variety of techniques like naturopathy, homeopathy, and chiropractic medicine.

Alternative medicines believe that our body has natural power to heal, so the practitioner of the alternative medicine supports the natural healing ability of the patient. In conventional method, healing process is based on certain techniques. For example, if someone is suffering from fever, they are given antibiotic to cure this instead of waiting for body’s immune system to cure it naturally. In alternative method, the time taken in recovery is generally longer as it waits to naturally heal the health problem. In conventional method, recovery is immediate as it is based on physiological and chemical reaction.

Nowadays, alternative medicine is also becoming popular, particularly when the people get frustrated with conventional medicine method and can’t find a cure for their health problem. But, alternative medicine has its own disadvantages and sometimes it produces severe adverse effects. So, it’s better to trust conventional medicine method rather than experiment with other alternative options.

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