Medical Questions » Anaesthetics Questions » Question No. 1104
Question:I had a successful surgery 2 weeks ago. After the surgery, I suffer from sore throat. I was given general anesthesia during the surgery. Can it be reason for the soreness of my throat? Does it indicate some other serious problems like getting infections or something? What do I do now?
Answer:The soreness of throat could have occurred due to two reasons. one reason for your sour throat could be the dehydration because you didn' t eat or drink anything before the surgery and you were allowed less fluid and food intake after the surgery.

A sore throat may also occur after general anesthesia given during the surgery. During general anesthesia, endotracheal (ET) tube is inserted into the trachea through the mouth (process called intubation). Though ET tube goes very smoothly, sometimes it may cause irritation or bruises to the vocal cords.

In most of the cases, the soreness of throat goes by itself without any treatment after some days. Generally it is not a major problem; only thing is people find it annoying.

Normal sore throat problems can be reduced by minimal speaking, and drinking lots of fluids.

But, if you are having severe or persistent sore throat, it needs be treated well.

Though not very common, but injury to the throat or vocal cord may happen after general anesthesia.

In a very few cases, the small cartilages of the larynx may get damaged, causing hoarseness of the sound. The recovery takes longer time in this case. There could be more serious injury possible to voice box or to the nerves supplying it. In a rare case, severe infections may occur due to the tear in lining of throat during insertion of ET tube.

So, if you are having persistent sore throat problem, its better to immediately consult your doctor and anesthesiologist also to get the best possible treatment.

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