Medical Questions » Anaesthetics Questions » Question No. 1112
Question:I am going for LASIK eye surgery for my myopia. I have been told that I need to be awake during surgery. I wonder without anesthesia (which will put me to sleep), how I will be able to tolerate the pain. Please advice.
Answer:LASIK is very safe and effective technique for correcting myopia and astigmatism also. You need to focus your eye at a blinking light to perform the surgery. If you are unconscious, you can' t focus your eye. That is why, you can not be put to sleep.

You need to be awake during the surgery doesn' t mean that you will not be given anesthesia. Without anesthesia, the surgery is not possible.

You will be given topical anesthesia (anesthetic eye drops) to perform the surgery smoothly. No injections or general anesthesia are needed to perform this surgery. You will be awake during the procedure without feeling any pain due to the anesthesia given. You may experience a sensation of pressure during the surgery for a time period, but that will not be painful. You will be very comfortable for the entire surgical procedure.

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