Medical Questions » Antibiotics Questions » Question No. 1122
Question:What is ' prophylactic' use of antibiotics and when it is applied?
Answer:When antibiotics are given as prevention, in the wake to prevent any infection, it is called ' prophylactic' use of antibiotics. This process of taking measures to maintain health and prevent infection is called antibiotic prophylaxis. They are used especially in bowel and orthopedic surgery.

It is estimated that approximate 40 - 60 percent of surgical site infections can be prevented by the prophylactic antibiotics. But, the major concern is that it should be used appropriately otherwise it will produce a great health risk. The matter of use of Prophylactic antibiotics has been a highly debatable issue.

Prophylactic antibiotics can be helpful in preventing infections in people with weak immune system like people suffering with AIDS. Prophylactic antibiotics can also be given to people with strong immune system if they are having a surgery where there is high risk of infections. If a person is traveling to a place where there is a high risk of getting an infection, Prophylactic antibiotics can be administered.

But, Prophylactic antibiotics should be taken only when the doctor recommends for it. Taking it for a normal infection will increase the risk of development of antibiotic resistance bacteria.

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