Medical Questions » Babies Questions » Question No. 114
Question:My next-door neighbour has just had a baby with Down' s syndrome. It looks almost completely normal, and seems to be alright in every way. Can you explain what is Down' s syndrome?
Answer:All medical practitioners have seen patients with this relatively common syndrome that used to be known by the rather derogatory and racist name of ' Mongolism' . Modern medical students now call it Trisomy 21 to totally confuse their older peers. The disease is named after a London physician who lived in the middle of the nineteenth century. One in every 600 children has Down syndrome, but the actual incidence may be two or three times greater, with these pregnancies ending in miscarriage. The main characteristics include a ' Mongol' facial appearance, mental retardation and congenital heart disease. They also have a heavily fissured tongue, low set ears and a single transverse crease on the palm. The effect the syndrome has can vary from one victim to another. Some seem to cope, or are not as severely affected, as others. Unfortunately, as your neighbour' s child grows, the problems may become more obvious. Despite the claims of some quacks, there is no effective treatment for this distressing condition, but it can be diagnosed during pregnancy by special tests.
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