Medical Questions » Children Questions » Question No. 1146
Question:What supplements would you recommend for a toddler with intestinal colic and loose stools?
Answer:Since these are both digestive problems I' d start with a probiotic supplement which provides the beneficial bacteria needed for good gut health. These are known to prevent over-loose bowels. Children' s needs are slightly different from adults' because they have slightly different strains of bacteria in their digestive tracts, so special probiotics have been made for them. (See Resources, page 483, for suppliers.)

The label will tell you how much to give depending on the age of your child. If that doesn' t work, try a level teaspoon of glutamine powder dissolved in any liquid, last thing at night, which can help soothe and heal the gastrointestinal lining. You may benefit fromseeing a nutritional therapist who could assess the underlying causes of the colic in your child, which could be food intolerance, poor digestion or insufficient fibre.

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