Medical Questions » Children Questions » Question No. 1148
Question:My son has growing pains and often wakes at night. What can we do to help him?
Answer:This is not uncommon. From a nutritional perspective, ensure an optimal intake of all the nutrients that help the bones to develop. These are calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D. Eggs and fish are rich in vitamin D, but it is also made in the skin when you' re out in the sun. All the others are plentiful in seeds. I therefore recommend you give your son a daily heaped dessertspoon of ground seeds, half flax (rich in omega-3 fats), and half any combination of sunflower, sesame or pumpkin seeds. You can add this to his breakfast. I' d also recommend a children' s chewable supplement.

A lack of these essential nutrients could explain why he wakes up at 3 a.m. with pains. Another possibility is that he isn' t getting enough food for dinner and is waking up hungry; or is anxious, in which case the magnesium in the seeds will help to calm him.

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