Medical Questions » Children Questions » Question No. 1150
Question:My child refuses food and has a poor appetite. Why is this?
Answer:First, rule out any possible infection or illness, as children will often refuse food when they are unwell. So visit your doctor or a nutritional therapist who can assess their current state of health. Also check their zinc status. As well as poor appetite, do they also have white marks on more than two fmgernails, any stretch marks, a poor immune system (in other words, do they often succumb to infections), or appear listless or depressed? If so, supplement their diet with a multivitamin and mineral formula containing zinc.

Biocare produce a goodl range of liquid supplements formulated for children and will advise on the correct dose for your child' s age. (See Resources, page 483.)

If all appears well, next assess whether the food you are giving your child is attractive and appetising. If they refuse whole food groups, for example vegetables, check that you are serving an appealing selection of colours, tastes and textures. A rainbow of stir-fried veg is more likely to whet their appetite than overcooked carrots or limplooking beans.

Finally, take the emotion out of mealtimes. The majority of food fads are emotionally driven they are often vehicles for your child to get attention or assert their independence. So the fewer emotions you display at the table, the better. For example, try not to give out lashings of praise for an empty bowl, and don' t appear too hurt when your lovingly prepared vegetable casserole goes uneaten. This way your child will learn that eating is something they do for them selves, independently, to satisfy their own appetite.

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