Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1171
Question:What is the truth to the saying ' Breakfast like a king, dine like a pauper
Answer:There' s a lot of truth to this old saying, with a little modification. First, you need food for energy during the day, so it doesn' t make sense to eat half your day' s food in the evening. Also, it is definitely not a good idea to go to bed still digesting your dinner. As a general rule, eat dinner early and leave at least two hours before going to sleep. Similarly, we are not designed to eat as soon as we wake up. It is better not to eãt until you are totally awake, perhaps an hour after waking.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and, as such, should be substantial (say, a boiled free-range egg with wholemeal toast, or seed rich muesli with yoghurt, milk or soya milk). Having said that, if you are eating three meals a day, plus two pieces of fruit as snacks in between, no meal need be vast. It is better to leave a meal feeling satisfied, not stuffed.

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