Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1225
Question:Is organic food worth the money?
Answer:Yes, it is. The most comprehensive review of the scientific evidence published last year showed that compared to non-organic produce, organic produce contains fewer pesticide residues, fewer food additives, less water (so more carrot in your organic carrot!), more minerals and vitamin C, and more protective phytonutrients.

If you want to be healthy you need to both avoid the bad guys and eat the good guys. That' s why organic food is an important part of a healthy diet. Organic food is not a luxury; it is how food is supposed to be.

Buying things on the cheap often proves more costly in the long run, and food is no exception. So while you can save money now by buying cheap food, it may cost you your health later. Even organic crisps, cola, ice cream, cakes, biscuits and so on, while not healthfoods themselves, should contain fewer additives and cannot contain harmful ingredients like hydrogenated fats. So they' re usually better choices than their non-organic equivalents, as long as they are enjoyed in moderation.

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