Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1228
Question:Is combining proteins and carbohydrates really bad for your health?
Answer:So-called ' food combining' , or the Hay Diet, is actually food separating. In this diet you avoid having protein-rich and carbohydrate-rich foods at the same time. Some people find that when they eat like this they digest their meals better, lose weight and have more energy; and in fact, anyone with digestive problems would be wise to try it.

A great many more people, however, would benefit from having some protein at every meal, no matter what they combine it with. The reason for this is that protein helps balance blood sugar levels, which affect energy, mood and weight. Meals low in or devoid of protein and high in carbohydrates are more likely to leave your energy and mood in tatters, and over time are also likely to encourage weight gain. But ultimately, we are all very different, so it' s a matter of working out which diet is best for you.

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