Medical Questions » Arteries and Veins Questions » Question No. 1238
Question:l' ve been given iron supplements for anaemia but they are making me constipated. Any suggestions?
Answer:The minerals contained in food supplements are bound with various other substances, and some forms are better absorbed than others. Ferrous sulphate, inorganic irón, appears in many multi-mineral or straight iron supplements because it' s inexpensive, but it is not well tolerated by many and can cause constipation. One of the most assimilable forms of iron is the amino acid chelate form. It' s well absorbed, without any gastrointestinal irritation or constipating effects. Look out for iron supplements with titles such as' gentle' or' organic' iron, and the label will usually tell you it' s also ' non-constipating' . Also good are those called ' true food' iron.
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