Medical Questions » Back Problems Questions » Question No. 124
Question:My doctor says my back X-rays show Scheuermann' s disease. What is this? Is it serious?
Answer:This is a relatively uncommon bone condition that affects the shape of the vertebrae in rapidly growing teenagers, but may not become apparent until later in life when pain develops in the back. The back consists of 24 vertebrae, which sit one on top of the other in precise positions to give the back its correct curvature. The vertebrae are joined together by ligaments, and their exact position and movement is controlled by muscles. In Scheuermann' s disease, the vertebrae in the middle part of the back, behind the chest, do not grow properly, and instead of being roughly square in shape, they become slightly wedge shaped. This causes the back to curve excessively giving a slightly humped appearance. The movement of the back is reduced, pain may be present due to compression of nerves, and osteoarthritis develops prematurely. The main treatment is physiotherapy to correct the posture, antiinflammatory medications and exercise. Rarely, surgery is recommended.
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