Medical Questions » Gut (Intestines) Questions » Question No. 1260
Question:Have you got any dietary tips for dealing with Crohn' s disease?
Answer:Crohn' s disease is an inflammatory bowel disorder that responds very well to nutritional therapy. First, a few factors should be considered. Sensitivity to certain foods, most commonly gluten (the protein found in wheat, oats, rye and barley) and milk, can aggravate Crohn' s, so avoiding them can help. Also avoid coffee, alcohol and sugar, drink 1.5 litres of water daily and eat fresh whole foods that are naturally high in fibre, such as lentils, beans, ground seeds, fruits and lightly cooked vegetables. Be careful, however, with the introduction of fibre-rich foods, as the digestive tract of Crohn' s sufferers is very sensitive. The amount of good bacteria in the gut is likely to be low, so restore the balance with a probiotic supplement such as acidophilus. Taking some omega-3-rich fish or flax oil helps calm the inflammation. The herbs boswellia and curcumin are also good anti-inflammatories, while slippery elm and marshmallow are very soothing to the gut lining. The amino acid glutamine, taken last thing at night (mix 5 to 10g of the powder in a glass of water), also helps to repair the gut.
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