Medical Questions » Diabetes Questions » Question No. 1264
Question:Is there a supplement programme that can prevent further deterioration from diabetic neuropathy?
Answer:A Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve disorder caused by diabetes, which can affect the eyesight (leading to double vision, for instance), legs and feet (causing tingling, numbness, pain or ulceration), and the digestive tract. Following the right diet for balancing your blood sugar is essential, and taking vitamin B6 plus 200mcg of chromium may help. I would also recommend having your homocysteine level tested and then supplementing therapeutic levels of B vitamins if it' s high; in addition to 100mg of B6, that means 100mcg of B12 and 800mcg of folic acid. Also supplement 15mg of zinc and 300mg of magnesium daily. Homocysteine is an amino acid made in the body, and high levels have been linked to more than 100 different diseases, including diabetes. Homocysteine is also the best indicator of your ability to ' methylate' which is an essential way in which the body repairs and maintains the nervous system. So, if your homocysteine level is low you are giving yourself the best possible chance to prevent and hopefully reverse neuropathy.
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