Medical Questions » Stomach Questions » Question No. 1276
Question:How can I tell whether I have too much stomach acid or too little?
Answer:The symptoms of low stomach acid include burping after eating; bad breath; indigestion, especially after eating protein-rich foods; upper abdominal pain and flatulence; bloating; diarrhoea; and/or constipation. Another indicator is feeling full shortly after eating or the sensation that food is slow to pass from the stomach.

One of the most common reasons for a lack of stomach acid is zinc deficiency because the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is dependent on a sufficient intake of zinc. Stress is also a suppressor of stomach acid production. This is because when we are in stress the body channels energy towards ' fight or flight' and away from digestion. So eating on the move or when you' re under real pressure is definitely a bad idea. The nutritional solution is to take a digestive enzyme supplement containing betaine hydrochloride, plus at least 15mg of zine in an easily absorbable form such as zinc citrate.

If you' re producing too much stomach acid, the symptoms can be surprisingly similar, with one big difference: you may experience a burning sensation. If this is the case, supplementing betaine hydrochloride is likely to make matters worse rather than better. But you may not know until you try. So start off with one capsule and monitor your reaction. If nothing happens, then you' re probably not producing enough stomach acid (in which case follow the advice above). If you get a warm feeling, you' re probably over-producing it.

If this is this case, lay off alcohol, coffee, tea and aspirin, which all irritate the gut wall, as does eating too much wheat (in bread, pasta, crackers, biscuits and so on). Very hot drinks and spicy foods, especially chilli, are also stomach-unfriendly. All meat, fish, eggs and other concentrated proteins stimulate acid production, which will further irritate an already unhealthy and inflamed stomach lining, so avoid eating too much protein in any given meal.

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