Medical Questions » Back Problems Questions » Question No. 129
Question:My doctor says my daughter has scoliosis. Can you explain what this really means?
Answer:Scoliosis is abnormal side-to-side curvature of the spine. Minor degrees of this condition are seen in many teenagers as they go through rapid growth spurts, but only significant curvature warrants medical attention. Spine curves are usually double. If there is a curve in one direction, there must also be a curve in the opposite direction further up or down the spine. If this were not so, the shoulders would tilt to one side. The easiest way to detect curvature is to have the child touch their toes. When looking along their back, one side will be seen to rise higher than the other, even though the spine may appear relatively straight when erect. If scoliosis is detected, the cause must be determined. If one leg is shorter than the other due to injury or other causes, the pelvis will be tilted, and the spine will curve to compensate. Abnormal vertebrae in the back that may have been present since birth, or damaged by a severe injury, may also lead to scoliosis. Diseases of the muscles that support the vertebral bones are another cause. Only if your daughter' s scoliosis is severe, or worsens, will any specific treatment be required.
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