Medical Questions » Eyes Questions » Question No. 1291
Question:Can nutrition help conjunctivitis?
Answer:A Conjunctivitis is an inflammation causing pain, itching and redness on the surface of the eye. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria or an allergy, and is more often environmental than food related. Fortunately, optimum nutrition can dramatically improve the condition.

A sufficient intake of essential fats from oily fish and/or seeds and oils is a vital prerequisite for good eye health and to reduce allergic reactions, if that' s what' s causing the conjunctivitis. Vitamin A is well known to be a key nutrient for the eyes, and supplementing 5,000meg (17,000iu) of vitamin A or 18mg of beta-carotene (and no more than 3,000mcg, or 10,000iu, of vitamin A if you' re pregnant), plus 2g of vitamin C and 30mg of zinc daily while you have the infection, has been shown to boost the immune system and help clear conjunctivitis. Vitamin D is also known to be helpful for conjunctivitis, and the best source - cod liver oil - also provides essential fats and vitamin A (but remember to limit your overall vitamin A to the levels listed above). The herb euphrasia, often called eyebright, makes an excellent tea which can be drunk three times a day, as well as cooled- and used as an eye rinse. Chamomile and fennel teas can be used in this way too. Colloidal silver solution spray is an effective remedy for conjunctivitis and can be sprayed directly around the closed eye. It' s available from health-food shops.

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