Medical Questions » Venereal Diseases (STD) Questions » Question No. 1295
Question:I suffer from genital herpes. Is there any alternative treatment that can help?
Answer:A The herpes virus feeds off an amino acid called arginine. If you supplement lysine, an amino acid that looks like arginine, you fool the virus and effectively starve it.

I recommend supplementing 1,000mg of lysine every day, away from food, to keep the virus at bay. When you havean active infection, supplement 3,000mg of lysine a day and cut right back on foods rich in arginine, which include beans, lentils, nuts and chocolate. The more stressed you are, the weaker your immune system becomes and the more chances the virus has to become active. A good way to boost your immune system is to supplement 3g of vitamin C every day and 2g of the herb cat' s claw, which is one of the most powerful immune-boosting herbs yet discovered.

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