Medical Questions » Headache Questions » Question No. 1301
Question:I keep getting headaches. Are there any natural remedies?
Answer:There are many causes of headaches and migraines, including a drop in blood sugar, dehydration, allergy, stress and tension, or a critical combination of some or all of these. Peaks and troughs in adrenalin and blood sugar can bring on a headache. Often they go away with optimum nutrition. Try eating small and often, and avoid long periods without food, especially if you are stressed or tense. Also, make sure you have a regular intake of fluid; drink 1 to 1.5 litres of water a day. Avoid sugar and stimulants like tea, coffee and chocolate. If the headaches persist, look carefully at the possibility of allergy. See if you can notice any patterns between the foods you eat and the incidence of headaches. It' s well worth having a food intolerance test.

Instead of taking an aspirin, or migraine drugs that constrict the blood vessels, try taking 100 to 200mg of vitamin B3 in the niacin form, which is a vasodilator. Start with the smaller dose. This will cause a ' blushing' sensation as well as a feeling of increased heat and can often stop or reduce a headache in the early stages. It' s best to do this at home in a relaxed environment.

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