Medical Questions » Heart Questions » Question No. 1316
Question:What' s your view on chelation therapy for preventing heart disease?
Answer:Chelation therapy is a non-surgical way to unblock arteries, thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It involves giving the synthetic amino acid ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid, or EDTA, by a drip infusion into the vein, usually for a couple of hours once or twice a week. The EDTA attaches to toxic minerals and to calcium, all of which hold arterial deposits together, and removes them from the body. The net result is that blockages in the arteries start to clear. In addition to the EDTA, the drip contains large amount of nutrients, especially antioxidants, which help to heal and rebuild the arteries.

Chelation therapy has been well proven to reverse arterial disease. Of course, the first line of defence against heart disease is to prevent it in the first place with a healthy diet and lifestyle. But for people with advanced arterial disease who cannot or don' t want surgery, chelation therapy is a valid option.

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