Medical Questions » Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments Questions » Question No. 1331
Question:I' ve been getting muscle pains in my shoulders and neck and a lot of muscle cramps. Painkillers don' t help.
Answer:You may well have a condition called fibromyalgia. This chronic condition is characterized by many symptoms, including widespread muscle pain,constant aches, general stiffness, fatigue, sleep disturbances and depression. The muscle pain in fibromyalgia is apparently due to reductions in energy production and in the ability of muscles to relax. Fibromylagia is not an inflammatory disease so anti-inflammatory painkillers don' t help. So, if you' vebeen prescribed cortisone, such as Prednisolene, or had a cortisone injection that didn' t work, it is even more likely that you have fibromylagia.

Magnesium, stress reduction and breathing exercises will all help.

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