Medical Questions » Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments Questions » Question No. 1332
Question:I get muscle spasms when sitting down for a while. What can I do to stop this?
Answer:Muscle spasms and cramping can be linked to nutritional deficiencies, particularly the important mineral magnesium. You could increase your intake of magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, beans and green vegetables, or take 200mg of magnesium twice a day. However, I would also take steps to have a more structural check-up. Visitan osteopath, who can discover whether you are trapping any nerves, cutting off circulation or somehow interfering with the muscles involved.

You may find it useful to get up regularly during the day to have a good stretch and walk around. Also look into the way you are sitting, and your chair itself, to make sure you are maintaining good posture. An ergonomic chair, designed to align the body properly, could be a good investment if yours is broken down or poorly designed. If you habitually breathe shallowly, this can also make your muscles go into spasm because they are not getting enough oxygen. So do daily breathing exercises such as taking 10 deep breaths, holding them in and slowly exhaling.

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