Medical Questions » Nerves Questions » Question No. 1334
Question:A friend is suffering from multiple sclerosis. Can optimum nutrition help?
Answer:Multiple sclerosis is a condition affecting the central nervous system-the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. In MS, the fatty tissue surrounding nerve fibres, known as the myelin sheath, is lost in many places, causing symptoms that range from extreme fatigue to difficulties with walking or vision. While MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease, its cause is still unknown. People with the condition, particularly in the early stages, often respond well to nutritional support.

Start with a look at your friend' s diet and lifestyle. As a high intake of animal fats is linked to MS, they should cut out cheese, milk and meat and eat plenty of fish, nuts and seeds that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats have been found to be vital in the formation of myelin. I recommend you supplement a combination of the essential fats GLA, DHA and EPA. Myelin has been found to be very susceptible to oxidation, so avoid smoking, smokyatmospheres and friedor burnt food, and take a good antioxidant complex.

Mercury toxicity may also contribute to the condition, either through mercury fillings, vaccinations, heavy pollution or a lack of other minerals in the body to counteract mercury accumulation. B vitamins (in particular B12) are key. So in addition to eating and supplementing with omega-3s, the ideal nutritional support strategy would be a wholefood, low-toxin diet supported by a high-strength multivitamin and mineral formula and a B complex. A hair mineral analysis would give an indication of any toxicity in the body. Some think MS may be linked to food allergies, particularly to gluten (in wheat, oats, rye and barley) and milk. It' s worth cutting these out to see if it helps and getting yourself tested for allergies. There' s also a link between high homocysteine and MS so this is worth testing too. (See Resources, page 483.) Finally, research has shown digestive enzymes may help.

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