Medical Questions » Stress Questions » Question No. 1375
Question:My work is totally stressful. What' s the best way to chill out?
Answer:Anything that relaxes you, from alcohol to valium, affects the brain' s natural peacemaker - the nutrient and neurotransmitter GABA. Supplementing this amino acid helps you to unwind, but without the after effects associated with alcohol or tranquillisers. So too do the herbs kava kava, used by Pacific Islanders, hops, passion flower and valerian. Combinations of these are most effective. In fact, a recent study found that kava and valerian together were as effective as tranquillisers, but completely non-addictive. Unfortunately, neither kava nor GABA are available in the UK, although they are in the US. It' s useful to note, however, that GABA is made in the body from the amino acid glutamine or glutamic acid, which is sometimes combined with herbs in supplements.

On the non-chemical front, blue light, the scent of lavender and the right ' chill' music all relax you, as do yoga, t' ai chi, meditation, exercise and sex. Try one of these after work, together with some relaxing nutrients and herbs, for a natural chill out.

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