Medical Questions » Stress Questions » Question No. 1376
Question:Stress from work caused me to suffer an energy burnout a year ago. Can you help?
Answer:I recommend you take charge of your energy now by doing the following:

  • Give up all alcohol for 10 days to gauge the effect it' s having on your energy levels.

  • Take a day to learn how to meditate, to become master of your mind.

  • Take a supplement that contains a combination of the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine and the herbs ginseng and reishi or rhodiola to support your adrenals and boost your energy.

  • Track down some DHEA (a hormone that supports the adrenals) from the US; you' ll have to do an Internet search. Take 25mg a day for one month.

  • If you' re not already, take 2g of vitamin C plus a good multivitamin and mineral every day.

  • If you' re not feeling sufficiently energized by your gym sessions, I suggest you learn an exercise and breathing system called Psychocalisthenics-(or Peals for short), which you can then do each day at home in 20 minutes. It exercises all the main muscle groups, and tones and energizes the body. See Resources, page 483, for details on both the exercises and the supplements.
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