Medical Questions » Ears Questions » Question No. 1386
Question:I have been diagnosed with an irritable bladder and suffer front incontinence. I have no infection, prolapse, muscle problems or pain and have tried excluding alcohol, tea, coffee and sugar. Is there anything else you can possibly recommend?
Answer:Have you been tested for food sensitivities? These are often a factor in bladder problems, so if you haven' t been tested, I' d recommend you get an IgG allergy test. I' d also boost levels of magnesium because this mineral is vital for muscle function. Take 200 to 300mg a day, and eat seeds (pumpkin, sunflower and sesame), rich in both magnesium and calcium, which control muscle function.

If you' ve been very stressed lately, your adrenal glands may be under pressure. A sudden release of adrenal hormones can affect the bladder. If this is the case, I' d suggest you see a nutritional therapist. In the meantime, supplementing an ' adaptogen' such as the herbs ginseng, rhodiola or reishi can help to support your adrenal function.

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