Medical Questions » Other Problems Questions » Question No. 1397
Question:Is there a link between mobile phones and brain cancer?
Answer:Without a doubt. Mobile phones, as well as hands-free home or office phones, microwaves, electric pylons, mobile phone masts and any wireless devices such as ' bluetooth' technology all give off electronic magnetic frequency radiation, called EMF, or microwaves. We are unwittingly bombarded with these microwaves on a fairly constant basis, yet they have been clearly demonstrated in animals to increase the incidence of cancer as well as Alzheimer' s-like changes in brain cells. And the dramatic increase in brain cancer of 45 per cent over the last 30 years makes it highly likely that microwave radiation, including that from mobile phones, is contributing to the problem.

The critical issue is how much exposure at what intensity equates to risk? Microwave radiation is measured in units known as microtesla (µT). In some countries, exposure is strictly limited by enforcing phone companies to use low-frequency phones. For example, in Switzerland phones emit only 4µT, com-pared to UK phones which emit sometimes over 5,000µT! Many countries have buffer zones around mobile phone masts. With clusters of leukaemia occurring around electricity pylons,' " there' s little doubt that being close to devices emitting EMF is a health hazard.

But while there is a clear pattern of risk emerging, much research is being suppressed and much research is still to be done, so at this point it' s hard to quantify the risk. My advice is not to use mobile phones, and if you do, use them as little as possible and don' t keep them on your body. Keep them in a bag so your expo-sure is less. Also, don' t use hands-free phones at home, especially next to the bed, because the base station is permanently transmitting.

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