Medical Questions » AIDS Questions » Question No. 14
Question:How can AIDS be prevented? Is there a vaccine you can have?
Answer:Scientists from around the world have been working overtime in their laboratories for the past two decades since AIDS first appeared in order to develop a long-lasting AIDS vaccine. The scientists who succeed will not only save millions of lives, but almost certainly will win a Nobel Prize. So far no vaccine has been developed that can be proved to work. Numerous experimental vaccines have been tried on monkeys (who can get a mild form of AIDS) and human volunteers, but without success. It is probable that one will be developed in the future, but the AIDS virus is a different type to most viruses, and no vaccine against any virus of this type has yet been developed. AIDS can be prevented almost completely (but not totally) by using condoms when you have any sort of penetrative sex, and not sharing needles if you are an injecting drug user. The best form of protection is a long term relationship with a single sexual partner.
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