Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1414
Question:How is ginger good for you?
Answer:Delicious as it is in stir-fries and gingerbread, there' s a lot more to ginger root than just that distinctive flavor. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years in its native China, and even in the West, its healing properties have been exploited for at least 150 years. Its main uses are for soothing the digestive tract - it can help reduce nausea and vomiting, especially if you suffer from motion sickness. It' s even been shown to help severe cases of morning sickness in pregnancy. Ginger also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which people have found useful in soothing arthritic pain. This effect, combined with its ability to reduce blood stickiness, have made it helpful in combating migraine headaches.

For nausea, the best dosage appears to be 1 to 2g of dried root daily, or about a quarter-inch slice of the fresh root. For arthritis, you should take twice this. You can make your own ginger tea by putting fine slices in a thermos flask with the juice of half a lemon and a spoonful of honey - great for sore throats.

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