Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1423
Question:What' s your view on red clover?
Answer:Red clover, which is part of the legume family along with lentils and beans such as soya, is a rich source of the plant oestrogens known as isoflavones. Women with high levels of isoflavones in their diets not only lower their risk of developing breast cancer (and it also lowers the risk of developing prostate cancer in men), but also suffer from fewer symptoms of the menopause. In a study at Tufts University School of Medicine in the US, menopausal women given a concentrated supplement of red clover had half the incidence of hot flushes.

Isoflavones protect against breast cancer by blocking the receptor sites of oestrogen and hormone-disrupting chemicals, thereby preventing the oestrogen overload that stimulates excessive cell growth in both breast and womb. People whose diets include plenty of beans or lentils, especially soya or chickpeas, are much less likely to suffer such hormonal health problems. Alternatively, you can take a concentrated red clover supplement. Choose one that contains 40mg of isoflavones, equivalent to that con-sumed in a traditional Asian diet.

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