Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1424
Question:What' s your view on rhodiola?
Answer:Sometimes known as Arctic root' and a favorite with Chinese emperors, rhodiola isn' t just the stuff of legend: it' s clearly a herb for 21st century living. The beneficial properties of this remarkable herb, first studied in Russia, are only just coming to light in the West.

Rhodiola' s key properties centre around its ability to increase energy, boost endurance and increase alertness. It contains active ingredients which act as adaptogens in the body, improving how it deals with mental, physical and environmental stress. It stabilizes the adrenal hormones and promotes the production of the ' happy' neurotransmitter serotonin. As a result, rhodiola also has a significant anti-depressant effect. One study of 128 people taking rhodiola showed 64 per cent of them showed an improvement or a complete disappearance of symptoms such as fatigue, loss of strength, irritability, headache and decreased work capacity. Try taking 200 to 300mg of a standardized extract with meals.

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