Medical Questions » Sleep Questions » Question No. 1433
Question:Can nutrition help me remember my dreams?
Answer:You should be able to remember your dreams with a little nutritional intervention. Your nervous system is dependent on B vitamins, which are present in many foods but removed by processing and refining (of grains, for example), and are depleted in the body by stress and alcohol. So many people today are not getting enough.

At the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, we found that the specific B vitamin related to dream recall is B6, but B vitamins do work together so it' s best to take a complex plus extra B6. I' d recommend 50mg B complex with breakfast and dinner (either as a B complex or in a multi), plus 50mg B6 at breakfast, lunch and dinner (totaling 250mg of B6), and 15 mg zinc with breakfast. If this doesn' t work, take an additional 50mg B6 before bed. Also reduce your alcohol intake and stress levels, and eat vitamin B-rich foods (wholegrains, brewer' s yeast, lentils, most vegetables). One last thing... many people are reporting better dream recall with a supple-ment called Connect.

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