Medical Questions » Sleep Questions » Question No. 1436
Question:I grind my teeth in my sleep - are there any supplements I can take to stop this?
Answer:You' re stressed. The first thing to do, before even con-sidering supplements, is to reduce the sources of stress in your life. If that' s difficult - say, you' re in a highly demanding job and can' t or don' t want to quit right now - you can learn to manage your stress though regular exercise, yoga, massage, relaxing baths, enjoyable hob-bies, down time just for you, meditation and relaxation techniques. These are all very much worth trying.

Having said all that, supplements can help. The nutrient most helpful for teeth grinding is vitamin B5. In addition to your multi or (lOOmg) B-complex supplement, take lOOmg of B5 twice daily. B vitamins are generally good for your nervous system and can help improve your stress tolerance, as can vitamin C (1 to 2g twice daily) and Siberian ginseng (200 to 400mg daily). Finally, teeth grinding can often result from tension in the jaw, and this can be reduced by supplementing 200 to 400mg of magnesium - which relaxes the muscles - before bed.

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