Medical Questions » Sports Questions » Question No. 1458
Question:I' m training for the London marathon. What should I eat?
Answer:Complex carbohydrates are the best fuels for the body, so eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and baked potatoes. Avoid sugar and refined carbo-hydrates - they may give you a rush but then leave you more tired than you were before. Make sure you have a good breakfast every day - oats are best so go for muesli or porridge - and eat small regular meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels even. Ensure you eat enough protein to repair fatigued muscles. That means at least half as much protein as carbohydrates at each meal and snack, so have fruit with nuts or seeds, rice with fish or lentils, baked potatoes with bean or tuna salad, oatcakes with hummus, and so on. Remember too that a demanding exercise regime generates more oxidants, so eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods - orange, red and blue fruit and vegetables are best, especially berries. Don' t forget to drink plenty of water - dehydration is a leading cause of fatigue. I' d also recommend supplementing a high-strength multivitamin, 2g of extra vitamin C every day, and 5g of glutamine powder before bed to aid muscle recovery. Good luck!
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