Medical Questions » Pregnancy Questions » Question No. 1487
Question:Which supplements can I take while pregnant and after the birth to avoid excessive weight gain without harming my baby' s health?
Answer:During pregnancy, your main focus has to be keeping your body optimally nourished for the ongoing healthy development of your baby. It is best not to try to lose weight at this very important time in your life. In any case, ' eating for two' doesn' t mean letting go and tearing into mountains of munchies, although various models and starlets have recently been in the news reveling in this brief opportunity to ' get fat' .

Really eating for two is following the very same healthy eating patterns that will keep you, yourself, optimally nourished, and that doesn' t entail excessive weight gain. A well-balanced menu of high-quality proteins such as lean free-range chicken, tofu, lentils, beans and quinoa, teamed with plenty of organic fruit and vegetables and slow-release carbohydrates such as wholemeal pasta and rye bread, will leave you and baby in splendid shape. I suggest that in addition to following the principles of optimum nutrition you take a high strength multivitamin containing at least lOmg of zinc and a PCB-free omega-3 fish oil supplement to optimize your health and the growth of your baby.

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