Medical Questions » Pregnancy Questions » Question No. 1493
Question:Do children, and pregnant and breastfeeding women, need milk?
Answer:Yes - in that they need calcium, the main touting-ground for milk. But that does not mean they need milk. In fact, there are reasons why they would do well to avoid it. Firstly, dairy consumption by infants under three months old or their breastfeeding mothers is a risk factor for diabetes in children who are genetically susceptible to it. Secondly, milk is the most common food allergen for children and a common one in adults, and avoidance in early years reduces that risk. Thirdly, milk contains significant quantities of oestrogen-like chemicals from pesticides and pollutants that get stored in the fat of cows. These so-called xenoestrogens are increasingly associated with hormonal imbalances, reproductive problems and cancer risk in later life. Of course, organic milk is better in this respect. Luckily, there are many other great food sources for calcium (nuts, seeds, root vegetables and sardines) and for protein (fish, lentils and beans, free-range chicken and lean meat).
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