Medical Questions » Vitamins Questions » Question No. 1527
Question:What is the best source of vitamin C?
Answer:An ideal daily intake of vitamin C is between 400 and l,500mg. You can get 400mg of vitamin C by having five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables a day, so achieving more than this means taking supplements. These come in three forms - ascorbic acid, which is the least expensive; ascorbate, also known as ' buffered' C; and ' ester C, which is a more absorbable form of the vitamin. With ester C you may not need to supplement as much, so it' s probably the best option.

The best easily available food sources of vitamin C are broccoli and peppers; a serving of broccoli gives twice as much vitamin C as an orange. Next best are kiwi fruits, followed by lemons, strawberries and oranges. Watercress, cabbage and cauliflower are also good sources.

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