Medical Questions » Vitamins Questions » Question No. 1548
Question:What' s your view on 5-HTP?
Answer:The substance 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP for short, is derived from an African plant called griffonia. In the body, 5-HTP is the substance from which serotonin, the ' happy' neurotransmitter, is made. Studies have proven that this nutrient is as effective as the best anti-depressants, but without the side effects. It also appears to control appetite and is sometimes taken as a support to a weight loss diet.

Compared to many people' s experiences with the so-called serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which work by blocking the breakdown of serotonin, the action of 5-HTP seems relatively problem-free. If you' re depressed, the recommended dosage is lOOmg of 5-HTP, twice a day. Note that if it makes you feel sleepy, you probably don' t need it. Don' t, however, take it if you are on anti-depressant medication.

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