Medical Questions » Mental Health Questions » Question No. 1562
Question:Since starting anti-depressants I' ve been getting angrier. Is this possible?
Answer:Yes, and it' s not that uncommon. The serotonin reup-take inhibitors Prozac and Seroxat, two of the most frequently prescribed anti-depressants, have clearly been shown to cause agitation leading to potential aggressive and suicidal behavior in as many as one in five patients, according to studies conducted by the drug companies themselves but only recently released in court. Last summer the family of a man who shot others and himself after taking anti-depressants won a court case against the makers, and were awarded $6.4 million. Dr David Healy of the North Wales Department of Psychological Medicine in Bangor, an expert witness in the case, reckons that these antidepressants often cause aggressive reactions and both patients and doctors should be warned of this.

In my view, many people who are depressed are low in the brain chemical serotonin because they don' t get enough of the nutrient tryptophan. By supplementing tryptophan, or 5-HTP, which is available in health-food stores, this deficiency symptom goes away, without all the side effects of anti-depressant drugs. Also effective, and safer, is the herb St John' s wort and omega-3 fats.

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