Medical Questions » Mental Health Questions » Question No. 1571
Question:I' ve heard ginkgo biloba is good for the memory - is that true?
Answer:Ginkgo biloba is a herbal remedy that has been used for memory enhancement in the East for thousands of years. It comes from one of the oldest species of tree known. Research has shown that it improves short-term and age-related memory loss, slow thinking, depression, circulation and blood flow to the brain. It has also been seen to have positive effects on Parkinson' s and Alzheimer' s diseases. Not all studies, however, have proven positive. It tends to be most effective as a mild brain enhancer for older people.

Gingko usually comes in capsule form and you should look for a brand that shows the flavonoid concentration, which determines strength. The recommended flavonoid concentration is 24 per cent; take 120 to 160mg of these supplements in two to three divided doses. I recommend that you try gingko for three months before evaluating the results, as the effects aren' t often immediate.

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