Medical Questions » Sports Questions » Question No. 1609
Question:What is the optimum food/drink intake, if any, before exercise to maximise fat burning?
Answer:To burn fat, you' ll need to increase the amount of protein you eat and reduce carbohydrates, going only for wholegrain carbs such as raw oats, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, quinoa or sweet potatoes. Aim for the same size in portions of protein and carb on your plate.

So for breakfast, choose either skimmed or soya milk, a boiled free-range egg (limiting eggs to five a week) or yoghurt for protein, and team it with either a cup of raw oats topped with sliced apple, a banana, or two slices of wholegrain rye bread for carbo¬hydrates. Add a dessertspoon of flax or pumpkin seeds for essential fats (which don' t impede fat burning). For lunch and dinner, team carbs like brown rice, sweetcorn, broad beans or couscous with proteins like torn or other soya products, cottage cheese, fish or lentils - then have double the quantity of non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, runner beans, kale or tomatoes. This way you don' t flood your blood with glucose (the breakdown product of carbohydrate that our bodies use as fuel and convert to fat if there' s an excess), and that helps to burn fat and balance energy levels. Eat nothing for at least an hour, preferably two, before you exercise, but drink plenty of water to stop you from becoming dehydrated. And avoid all coffee, tea, colas - even diet - as stimulants can play merry hell with blood sugar too.

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